After wondering and wandering in the world a lot, I'm back to wondering on the page. In fact, back to doing both. I have been busy sharing what I know, see and do in the world. But not on here. It sort of slipped out of my radar in the learning process that is called Starting A Business (SAB).
SAB is a wonderous, time-consuming, life-altering experience. As a confessed life-long learner, I got myself totally wrapped up in the whole process, and I'm pleased to say that it's magical, whilst also being frustrating, fun, educational and an emotional ride! SAB is also hard work, required dedication, and 'gumption' (this was the word used by myself and a couple of fellow SAB'ers in conversation the other night!). By gumption, I mean stick-at-it-ness. Stubborness. Graft. Toil. Devil-may-care-ness.
What's become wonderfully clear to me is that I am missing writing. And I'm also missing my friends from the past because SAB takes away much of the frittering time I used to spend having coffees and hanging out with folk. Don't get me wrong, I still do PLENTY of that, only now it seems that I am doing it with clients...and I'm loving it. But it does mean that there's a chunk of people that I'm missing out on being with and I'm starting to feel a tinge of guilt now and then at the odd text that says words to the effect of 'where are you?' / 'what are you up to now?'.
This is my compromise. Words on a page, a little snapshot of what's happening, and what I'm learning. With a promise of more to come. And of course a Birthday Picnic in June!
To bring you up to speed - here's a quick-ish summary of what I've been up to. I can do this much more easily today, because over the Easter holiday, I sat and went through my 'memory boxes' and have thrown out and whittled down to almost a box all the memorabilia collected by me since 1992....many things have been photographed, many have just been let go, and there's now a whole pile of theatre programmes ready to be framed and hung on the walls in the hallway stairwell....
I am now officially working for myself, wearing 3 main hats, all connected by mentoring, training and coaching, Forever living up to the "Helena the Trainer" label I earned about 20 years ago at TGI Friday's, i am now pleased to say that all that skill and effort has come together in a delicious way.
I am a Business Wealth Club Mentor in Croydon - I run twice monthly trainings for a wonderful community of committed business owners and entrepreneurs dedicated to growing their businesses through some high quality content and coaching. It's just about the very best thing I've ever done. To be able to support and grow people's skills, through sharing what I know is just magical. I could not wish for a better way to spend a Thursday. (
Out of this comes all the mentoring and coaching I'm doing with individual businesses, really helping them SHAPE their vision, teams and dreams into viable businesses that have tangible steps towards making those dreams come into reality and make a massive difference to so many more people. Love a little bit of 'ripple effect' and that's what this is all about. This is the exciting bit right now of this, I'm currently putting together the website for this one! More to come!
And the rest of the time, I'm carrying on that theme of making a difference through helping people write and deliver their brilliant ideas into workshops, webinars and programmes. (
I will say this for sure. SAB has definitely taken me to a whole new level of being. Whilst always having been a confident person, and an "I'll have a go at that" sort, through stepping up and into the new challenge of SAB, I have actually gained a level of appreciation for all that I've done in my past. Where before I would dismiss what I have learned along the way, I've come to know that EVERYTHING is important, and that EVERYTHING can be helpful to someone that does not know it! So that's my mission now. To share what I know, what I've learned, what I've experienced it, in the knowledge that someone somewhere is actually hugely hungry for that little nugget that I'm about to share with them.
Expect more of that here.