Saturday, 10 July 2010

Some thoughts on good intentions and how habits are easy to let go of...

I used to write a newsletter. About 7 -8 years ago, I got into a fabulous habit of pulling together everything that was catching my interest, and putting that into words and pictures. I then sent it out to everyone I knew. Eventually I thought I might as well throw it all into a blog of some sort and let lots of others share that joy...only I think I let technology get the better of me, and I surfed my way out of a good habit, all the while holding great intentions to re-start my efforts 'at some stage'.

Well, tonight I unearthed my blogspot - one I set up when I decided that surely this web of the world would allow me to do more than I'd been doing for those two years. So for those of you that know me and miss my updates, hello again. For those of you stumbling onto this page with little or no knowledge of what you are doing here: Welcome! and finally to those who know me now but have never had the joy of the phoenix missive that used to arrive monthly, well, you'll have an inkling of what to expect!

What is grabbing my attention at the moment is wonder, it's what is currently taking up thinking and feeling space, I'm wondering about how we get in touch with that state of wonder inside us. I am sure you know the kind of wonder I am talking about...That feeling that raises hair on the body, that springs the heart wide open to the point of it exploding from being so full, that state that is just so full of curiousity that we forget to be shy or modest or ...whatever it is for you.

I know I experience these states of wonder at least once a day if not more, and I am beginning to learn that I am lucky in this as I have recently been canvassing people on how they get to this wonderstate in their lives. Not that often or that easily seems to be the common opinion. Now, I am a believer in wonder. I know we can all have moments every day that allow us to go all goosebumpy at the very thought of something magical. What is more, I believe it is something you can design in and that it's available to each and every one of us.

I have decided to explore this more fully over the next little while, and I'd love you to join me on the journey....more on wonder tomorrow.

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